regular group sessions for jan-mar 2024

My intention with the group sessions is to offer a space where anyone who comes can have unpressured companionship in the reconnection to body, breath and voice. My hope too is that these more accessible offerings can enable continued support in between 1:1 sessions. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to find out more.

group sessions (on pause)



[more details to come] Community meditation practice near Novena - monthly in-person session with varying meditation techniques

workshops and special events

TRE workshops which offer more in-depth understanding are offered a few times a year. Grief circles, song circles and conversation circles are held a few times a year. These provide powerful ways of sensing, feeling and connecting with our emotions, truth and voice in community. These will be listed here where available, and will be updated on our Instagram page too.

Grief pervades our lives more intimately than we imagine - running through all transitions of our life. This grief circle welcomes you in whatever season or form of grief you carry: loss of a loved one, stepping out of an old identity, unspoken longings, unmet hopes, felt absences, or the ecological losses of the earth we inhabit. Rather than it being a group therapy session, it is a space where we can each be seen, heard and held in our grief. Get in touch here to register.