
elemental qi flow

Water is fluid, soft and yielding.

But water will wear away rock,

which is rigid and cannot yield.

—Dao De Jing

The five elements of earth, water, fire, air and space make up all of nature, and are found within our body as well. Each Elemental Qi
Flow class combines grounding techniques with qigong, themed to a different element. It can be a helpful practice to keep our energy field radiant and full of vitality.

By remaining firmly rooted on the ground, yet freely moving with ease, the practice is both strengthening and yet fluid. The quote above from the Dao De Jing is the essence of the practice - that fluidity is not a quality of weakness, but a possibility of a different kind of strength.

The aspects of rootedness, ease and presence which we cultivate in this standing practice can be useful qualities to bring into our everyday lives. Classes are open to everyone, and can be adapted for practice in a chair if standing for long durations is not comfortable.

Private and group sessions are available for 60min.