
vibrational alchemy

“You can look at dis-ease as a form of disharmony. And there is no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration”

- Mitchell Gaynor

At our very essence, we are vibratory beings.

At a cellular level, subtle expansions and contractions of aliveness are happening in each moment and the waters of our body which bathe our cells are a powerful medium through which harmony and realignment can be re-encoded.

There are two main ways a vibrational alchemy session can unfold:


Vibrational support of intentional energy, sound, smell or crystals curated just for you, to help you return to balance in mind, body and spirit. Each rebalancing journey might include reiki support, Himalayan singing bowls, tuning forks, crystals, essential oils and intuitive soundshare as you lie down. This might be particularly helpful for you if you are:

  • Highly sensitive or empathic

  • Feeling fatigued in your healing journey

  • Uncomfortable with receiving direct touch support on the body because of past boundary violations or early trauma


Through guided movement, visualisation and vocal sounding, this is an opportunity to rebuild your relationship with your voice- a relationship that is one of freedom and alignment with your heart and mind. Our voice is our very own potent medicine, and the ease in expressing our voice is intertwined with the ease in expressing the truth of who we are. This might be helpful for you if you:

  • Feel shy about letting your voice be heard, whether speaking or singing

  • Hesitate to express your needs and boundaries

  • Desire a closer and more comfortable relationship with your voice

More details on session logistics and rates can be found here.